Free Islamic Class On Zoom

Every Sunday 1pm EST 

All information is from Sahih (Authentic) Hadith of the Prophet (PBUH) and/or from the Quran


Each session will last about 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the topic we are covering for the day. 


Please leave your name and email below to receive one email per week with the Zoom link, password, and the topic for that week. Scroll down to learn more about the class!


E-mail *

Brief Overview of Class Topics

How to Get To Jannah!

The Purpose of Life

Happiness Through Islam

How to Take Care of the Body and Mind

Stories of the Prophets (PBUT)

Translation of the Quran

Haram VS Halal in the Modern World

Refresher on Islamic Principles

And More!


I put my heart into creating these presentations. My goal is to spread knowledge about our beautiful religion in an engaging way - and hopefully encourage everyone, including myself, to become better Muslims than we were yesterday!


All of the information in my lectures comes directly from Sahih Hadith or the Quran, and all my sources will always be provided to you. I also love science and often reference accredited research papers to draw connections between the Quran and scientific concepts. I strive to cater to my audience by using vivid imagery, animations, and simple English to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, can follow along without getting bored!